Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Woman's Perogative....

Who says I'm not flexible??

OK, I changed my mind about the Masters Swim Cub after all that hemming and hawing. It's kind of funny really. I left the first Monday swim feeling good - confident, a good workout that pushed me, people were nice enough etc - so I was going to start going on a regular basis Monday and Wednesday nights and do a swim on my own on Saturdays.

Then on Wednesday afternoon, I got to thinking. 8:30-9:30 is a really hard time to make myself get up, drive 20 minutes, and workout. Although the workout was good, and the coach was nice and showed me how to do a lot of stuff, she emphasized that this was a general swim club and that the emphasis would NOT be on freestyle. I had figured - that's fine, I don't mind learning mew strokes and time in the water is always good right? But at the same time, when I was swimming nobody was correcting my stroke or giving me any feedback. They are busy, they set up the program, they watch people in general, and they teach you how to do things, but they don't give one-on-one feedback. I started thinking that if I don't get much (or any) one-on-one feedback, and I have to practice a lot of strokes that aren't specifically helpful for a triathlon, and I have to go at inconvenient times, is this the best plan for me?

Now that I've found the swimplan website, and I've had a taste of a swim club format, I think I can probably work out on my own and get a lot out of it. Erik pointed out that I AM very disciplined when it comes to my training and it's likely that I will work just as hard going on my own. I decided I would also pay for a private swim coach periodically to get specific feedback on how I'm doing, and then work on those things on my own.

So yesterday, I went to the length swim from 5-6pm and did the swim plan from the website. I added 300m more of additional work because I had time and felt good. By going on my own, I have many more options to swim so if I'm tired one day or can't make it for some reason, I can always go the next day. And it costs about the same amount. I will have to pay extra for a swim coach once in awhile, but that's worth gold if you ask me.

Change Number Two

I'm looking at my schedule.

Going to the gym 3X a week sometimes just isn't feasible. If I'm too tired, a gym workout is the one I'm willing to drop. However, it usually means the Wednesday gym workout because that's the hardest one to attend. That leaves me with two times at the gym that are awfully close together (Fri and Sun). I was thinking more and more about making FRIDAY my rest day and moving my gym workouts to Tuesday and Thursday (eight of which I can drop if I don't feel like it). Then I would run and swim on Mondays ad Wednesdays which make for some consistency. My weekends would stay more or less the same. Since I play volleyball already on Tuesdays, it isn't really working out to be a rest day anyway so I may as well go to the gym that day.

I need to run this past Erik because he does the gym with me, but he's pretty flexible and would probably be willing to make the change.

So the new adjusted schedule might look something like this:

Sun - gym, bike
Mon - run (2:45), swim (5-6pm)
Tue - gym (3-4), volleyball
Wed - run (2:45), swim (5-6pm)
Thu - gym (3-4) maybe easy bike in evening
Fri - rest day!
Sat - run, swim, bike

See, I AM flexible! I think I need to realize that I'll always be adjusting and tweaking the training plan to see what works best for me.

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